Rotary blood bank to install Automated Blood component Separator.
Visakhapatnam, 3rd July, 2020: New Blood bank Chairman Rtn G. S. Raju has announced that Rotary blood bank is installing “Automated Blood components separator shortly” with cost of Rs.18 Lakhs.
It helps to Pure collection of blood products like platelets,
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), Packed red blood cells (PRBC), platelets
He emphasised the need to conduct more blood donation camps to meet the growing demand due to COVID.
Senior Rotarian and Past President of Rotary Club Visakha Port City Rotarian GS Raju took over as the New Chairman of the Rotary blood bank here today. Rtn G Rambabu will continue as Secretary after a successful year, which saw new heights in the history of Rotary Blood Bank.
GS Raju lauded the performance of outgoing committee and efforts of the staff of Rotary blood bank during the Pandemic.
Out going Chairman Rotarian KSMK Murthy said that Rotary Blood Bank was the only Blood bank in Visakhapatnam serving 24 x 7 during the lock down period and the staff working relentlessly to serve the needy, in spite of being an NGO.
Blood bank new Public Relations director Rtn Past President PLK Murthy, outgoing Public relations director Rotarian K. Nagesh Kumar, Rotary club president Rtn Capt R S Kali Prasad , secretary Rtn Vithal Prasad , President elect Rtn DV Varma, committee members Rtn K Srinivas Reddy, Rtn SRK Reddy and the Blood bank staff graced the occasion.
*Special Recognitions for the Rotary Blood bank:
1)CMC, Vellore, Tamilnadu has recognised our blood bank for Quality Management system in blood banking.
2)First time in Visakhapatnam , with support of National AIDS Control and organisation (NACO), Govt of India and Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control society, Govt of AP has supported and supplied the Elisa KITS ( It’s a technique or method to detect the virus in donors blood) Reagents and Blood Bags as per need. Ours is first private NGO Blood bank got the honor.
G S Raju
Rotary Blood bank
Mobile : 98481 88778
VISHALMEDIA (P.R.Agency), Mobile 098266-23100, Email-